As part of the Pennsylvania Public Transportation Association Spring Conference and Expo, ITRE’s Kai Monast will be presenting with Jim Ritchy, of WRA.
Wednesday, April 20 | 4:45 pm – 5:45 pm.
“There are many facets to transit regionalization. Improved inter-regional connections, cost-efficiencies from less staff and combines facilities and improved federal and state compliance are typical factors in the regionalization discussion. Jim Ritchey, a manager with more than 40 years of regional transit experience and Kai Monast, a program manager with more than a decade of experience with North Carolina’s transit systems will discuss their lessons learned concerning regional transit benefits and the political speed-bumps that make regional decisions challenging.”
This year’s event will be held April 19 – 21, 2016 at the Lancaster Marriott at Penn Square, 25 S Queen St, Lancaster, PA 17603
Visit the PPTA 2016 Spring Conference and Expo Website for more information on the conference and a schedule of other topics covered.