Dr. Billy Williams, recently appointed as Director of ITRE

Williams, Billy, Ph.D, P.E.
Director, ITRE, and Professor, Civil Engineering, NCSU
919-515-7813 | billy_williams@ncsu.edu

Staff Headshot of Kai Monast

Monast, Kai Opens a PDF
Associate Director, Technical Services
Director, Public Transportation, School Planning, and Transportation Groups

919-515-8768 | kcmonast@ncsu.edu

Staff Headshot of Daniel Findley

Findley, Daniel Opens in new window
Associate Director, Education and Training
Director, Economics and Policy Assessment, Aviation

919-515-8564 | daniel_findley@ncsu.edu

Staff Headshot of Chris Cunningham

Cunningham, Chris Opens a PDF
Associate Director, Research
Director, Traffic Systems Innovation Program, Highway Systems Group

919-515-8562 | cmcunnin@ncsu.edu

Staff Photo of Leta Huntsinger

Huntsinger, Leta Opens a PDF
Associate Director, Strategy
Professor of the Practice, UNC Department of City and Regional Planning

919-515-8625 | leta_huntsinger@ncsu.edu

Staff Headshot of Carrie Gage

Gage, Carrie
Director, Finance and Administration
919-515-8563 | cagage@ncsu.edu


Staff Headshot of Evan Arnold

Arnold, Evan
UAS Engineering Program Manager
919-515-8523 | eparnold@ncsu.edu

Aycock-Person, Bonnie
Technology Support Analyst
919-515-7722 | blaycock@ncsu.edu


Bert, Steve
Senior Economist, Economics & Policy Assessment Group
919-515-8717 | sabert@ncsu.edu

Brock, Tim
Senior Research Scholar

Staff Headshot of Tom Brown

Brown, Jr., Thomas H. Opens a PDF
Training Specialist
919-513-0207 | brown@ncsu.edu


Staff Headshot of Lori Cahill

Cahill, Lori
Program Manager, FEP Training Program
919-513-0207 | lmcahill@ncsu.edu

Staff Headshot of Thomas Chase

Chase, Thomas Opens a PDF
Senior Researcher, Highway Systems Group
919-515-8625 | rtchase@ncsu.edu

Daniel Coble Staff Photograph

Coble, Daniel Opens a PDF
Research Assistant, Highway Systems Group
919-515-5859 | dgcoble@ncsu.edu

Grey silhouette of a person from the chest up, used as a placeholder when no staff headshot is available

Coverdale, Seth
System Administrator
919-515-7923 | secoverd@ncsu.edu


Staff Photo of Kate Davison

Davison, Kate
Director, LTAP

Staff headshot of Thomas Dudley

Dudley, Thomas Opens a PDF
Program Manager, Operations Research and Education Laboratory (OREd)
919-515-7931 | tedudley@ncsu.edu


Grey silhouette of a person from the chest up, used as a placeholder when no staff headshot is available

Ferrara, Greg Opens a PDF
Program Manager, Geovisual Analytics and Decision Management Group
919-515-8656 | gpferrar@ncsu.edu

Staff Headshot of Jonah Freedman

Freedman, Jonah Opens a PDF
Research Associate, Public Transportation Group
919-515-8622 | jfreedm@ncsu.edu


Godfrey, Brian
Land Use Planner


Staff Headshot of Kevin Hart

Hart, Kevin
Program Manager, Transportation Information Management System (TIMS)
919-515-7989 | krhart@ncsu.edu

Hassett, Ryan
Transportation Economist, Economics and Policy Assessment Group
9195159351 | ryan_hassett@ncsu.edu


Grey silhouette of a person from the chest up, used as a placeholder when no staff headshot is available

Kearns, Brendan
Research Assistant

Staff Headshot of Matt Kuliani

Kuliani, Matthew
Content Delivery Specialist, Geovisual Analytics and Decision Management Group
919-515-8587 | mlkull@ncsu.edu


Person with light skin, short dark hair, and a beard, wearing a blue polo shirt, smiling at the camera

Lewis, Aidan
Instructional Designer
919-515-8771 | amlewi22@ncsu.edu

Staff Headshot of George List

List, George Opens a PDF
Professor, Civil Engineering, NCSU
919-515-8038 | gflist@ncsu.edu


Grey silhouette of a person from the chest up, used as a placeholder when no staff headshot is available

McCaleb, Emeline
Research Assistant, Highway Systems Group

Mitchell, Mia
Business Services Coordinator
919-513-3242 | mrmitch4@ncsu.edu

Murphy, Narmina
IT Analyst/Programmer I

Staff Headshot of Eugene Murray

Murray, E. Eugene Opens a PDF
Training & Events Coordinator
919-515-8037 | eemurra2@ncsu.edu


Ray Narvaez, wearing glasses and smiling, with trees in the background

Narvaez, Ray
Program Manager, LTAP
919-515-8655 | tcnarvae@ncsu.edu

Grey silhouette of a person from the chest up, used as a placeholder when no staff headshot is available

Nicholas, Dennis
Research Assistant


Staff Headshot of Marc Perez

Perez, Marc Opens a PDF
Computer Consultant, Public Transportation Group
919-515-9345 | marc_perez@ncsu.edu

Grey silhouette of a person from the chest up, used as a placeholder when no staff headshot is available

Poslusny, James
Research Assistant

Staff Headshot of Kihyun Pyo

Pyo, Kihyun Opens a PDF
Research Associate, Highway Systems Group
919-985-5330 | kpyo@ncsu.edu


Staff Headshot of Nagui Rouphail

Rouphail, Nagui M. Opens a PDF
Research and Former Director, ITRE
919-515-1154 | rouphail@ncsu.edu

Russ, Tracy
Program Manager, Highway Systems Group
919-515-8031 | tracy_russ@ncsu.edu


Samandar, M. Shoaib
Research Scholar
919-515-8034 | smsamand@ncsu.edu

Staff Headshot of Jeremy Scott

Scott, Jeremy Opens a PDF
Program Manager, Public Transportation Group
919-515-8624 | jscott@ncsu.edu

Shi, Si
Research Associate, Triangle Transportation Modeling and Analytics

Stash, Kyra
Research Specialist


Tabor, Luke
Marketing and Communications Coordinator
919-515-8703 | lctabor@ncsu.edu

Lee Thomas

Thomas, Lee
Training Specialist
919-515-8034 | lthoma22@ncsu.edu

Staff Headshot of Walter Thomas

Thomas, Walter
Information Processing Assistant
919-515-8893 | wthomas@ncsu.edu


Staff Headshot of Chris Vaughan

Vaughan, Chris Opens a PDF
Research Scholar, Highway Systems Group
919-515-8036 | clvaugha@ncsu.edu


Staff Headshot of Bill Woods

Woods, William E. Opens a PDF
Program Coordinator, NC Local Technical Assistance Program
919-515-8033 | wewoods@ncsu.edu


Grey silhouette of a person from the chest up, used as a placeholder when no staff headshot is available

Yang, Guangchuan
Research Associate, Highway Systems Group


Staff Headshot of Tom Zajkowski

Zajkowski, Thomas
Flight Operations Manager, NextGen Air Transportation Program
919-515-8523 | tjzajkow@ncsu.edu