If you are interested in enrolling in the live, online, FEP Hydraulics class , or the self-paced, online, bypass course for FEP Hydraulics , please contact Walt Thomas <wthomas@ncsu.edu>

WeekMaterial Covered
1Introduction, Survey and Field Reconnaissance, Stormwater Runoff: Rational Method, Kirpich Equation
2Stormwater Runoff: Rainfall Intensity,Highway Drainage Charts
3Channels and Ditches: Manning Equation, Trapezoidal Channels
4Channels and Ditches Design: Normal Depth and Depth-Limited Procedures
5Channels and Ditches (continued): Velocity-Limited and Best Hydraulic Section Procedures
6Culvert Design - Inlet Control
7Culvert Design - Outlet Control
8Curb and Drop Inlets; Sharp-crested, Broad-crested, and Free Overfall Weirs
9Final Exam Review
10Final Exam