Thank you to the presenters, facilitators, attendees, volunteers, and event staff for making the 2023 NCDOT Research & Innovation Summit such a successful and dynamic event! This page will remain online as a static archive for the foreseeable future.

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Join NCDOT staff and other transportation industry professionals in March 2023 to explore the latest in research and innovative practices.

The Institute for Transportation Research and Education (ITRE) at NC State is proud to organize the fourth annual NCDOT Research and Innovation Summit.

NC Department of Transportation logo

March 29-30, 2023 in Raleigh, NC

Visit the Attendee Info Site

Check out the Agenda, Abstracts, Presenter Bios, Venue Map, and more.

An interactive, knowledge-sharing event for in-person and virtual participants, open to university researchers, students and transportation professionals working in public and private sectors.

Topics will include environmental, geotechnical, structures, traffic and safety, rail, connected and autonomous vehicles (CAV) and Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs).

  • $75 per person and $40 per student (in-person)
  • $25 per person (virtual)
  • Two day schedule with plenary, breakout and poster sessions
  • Breakfast and lunch provided for in-person attendees

Registration is now closed.

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McKimmon Conference and Training Center at NC State
1101 Gorman St, Raleigh, NC 27606 (map)

Aerial photo of McKimmon Center

The McKimmon Conference and Training Center is located on NC State’s South Campus in Raleigh


Email the event team at

The Call for Presentations is now closed. Thank you to everyone who submitted a proposal!