ITRE is skilled at tailoring courses and developing content to meet a variety of instructional needs for practitioners and public audiences ranging from children through adults. Our strengths include professional development courses such as pedestrian planning and design, bicycle planning and design, and designing for pedestrian accessibility that are periodically offered through ITRE. We have developed and offered specialty courses, webinars, curriculum and videos geared toward law enforcement professionals, instructors who work with elementary aged children, and agencies interested in non-motorized data monitoring.
ITRE can provide services for a broad range of training needs from developing course materials and instruction to coordinating, scheduling and hosting events. Staff include instruction credentials from reputable agencies such as the National Highway Institute, Federal Highway Administration, and the National Center for Safe Routes to School.
A key goal of the Bicycle and Pedestrian Program is to provide workshops and courses specifically tailored to transportation professionals and others interested in bicycle and pedestrian related topics. ITRE’s Bicycle and Pedestrian Program has offered a wide variety of courses, workshops and formats, and can develop specialty curriculum and/or materials to meet client needs.
Developed by ITRE:
- Pedestrian Crossing Assessments (Available Now!)
- Bicycle and pedestrian counts
- Non-motorized data monitoring program development
- Law enforcement’s role in bicycle and pedestrian safety
- Educational materials and curriculum for children and adolescents to educate on bicycling, walking, and bus safety
- Pedestrian safety crosswalk enforcement operations
Delivered by ITRE:
- Bicycle Planning and Design
- Developing a Pedestrian Safety Action Plan
- Designing for Pedestrian Safety
- Pedestrian Planning and Design
- Designing Facilities for Pedestrian Accessibility
Project Archives and Resources:
Archived webinars:
Establishing North Carolina’s Non-Motorized Volume Data Program (June 2015)
Information | Video Opens in new window
Basics of the Pedestrian and Bicycle Infrastructure Network (June 2015)
Information | Video Opens in new window