After August 17, 2021, clients will have a degraded experience or will be unable to connect to Microsoft 365 apps and services on Internet Explorer 11 (IE 11) .

To navigate through the Cashnet system when placing your order, it is advised you utilize the following browser options:

We provide supplementary course manuals, handbooks, and videos, as applicable, for course students. Several items are also available for purchase online or as a free PDF download.

If paying by purchase card, the billing address you enter into e-Store must match exactly with the billing address on the Purchase Card you are using.

If paying by check, you will be invoiced by NCSU and can remit payment once your invoice is received.

If paying by Purchase Order, you will still need to select “pay by check” and submit your order to receive your quote for your PO, which you will then e-mail said PO# to Walt Thomas to include with your order.”

For tax exempt agencies in North Carolina:  You must select “pay by check” and submit your order, then e-mail of your tax exempt status so the tax amount can be removed from your Invoice total when generated and sent to you from NCSU.  If you are required to use a P-Card, the tax amount you will be charged will be refunded to you in a separate refund back to your P-Card.


Work Zone Safety

Link to 2023 Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices Opens in new window
Link to Flagging Operations and ProceduresOpens in new window
Link to Basic Work Zone Safety videosOpens in new window

Work Zone Safety material for online purchase:

Professional Engineering (PE) and Fundamentals of Engineering (FE)

PE Civil Eng. Review Course Lectures Study Aid Opens in new window – $175

Professional Engineering (PE) Online Civil Eng. Opens in new window – $745 / $830

Free downloads: